Upcoming events.

Painters, sculptors, jewelry makers, wood workers, weavers, clothing designers, etc!! Booth rent for artists and business owners is available for our first ever (soon to be recurring) monthly open studio. We are located across from the Granary Live music venue and only a stone’s throw from the popular Fisher Brewing. Contact the Bad Perro Art Collective at hq@badperroartcollective.com or DM us on Instagram @badperroartcollective.

Community Art Night / Open studio
Join us for our weekly community art night sponsored by Rocks Collective. Have a project you’re working on, or want to just come create? Drawing, inking, collage, screen printing, and other miscellaneous supplies are provided - but feel free to bring your own as well! Come for a minute, come for an hour, come for the whole time.
$5 suggested donation.

Community Art Night / Open studio
Join us for our weekly community art night sponsored by Rocks Collective. Have a project you’re working on, or want to just come create? Drawing, inking, collage, screen printing, and other miscellaneous supplies are provided - but feel free to bring your own as well! Come for a minute, come for an hour, come for the whole time.
$5 suggested donation.